Ash Wednesday Service tonight at 7pm in-person and streaming to YouTube.
Welcome to
United Church!
Sunday Worship
10:00 am in-person & live-streamed on YouTube
11:00 am Coffee Hour
11:30 am Soul Food Scripture Discussion in-person and on here on Zoom
Communion ​is offered the first Sunday of the month. We serve gluten-free bread and grape juice. If you worship remotely and want to participate in communion, please have some crackers/bread and juice/or wine ready.
Other Gatherings
Awakenings: A Recovery Worship Experience
Awakenings meets First Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm (ET) on Zoom (online only) This service blends the gifts of recovery found in programs such as the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and the transformational power of the Christian faith. Confidentiality is expected.
Narcotics Anonymous
N.A. meets Saturdays at 7:00 pm in the parlor on the first floor. Please use the back entrance off Deering Pl. There is a small parking lot there that can be used during meetings.
Sunday School is available for children grade 1st-6th. On the first Sunday of each month, children remain in worship. We are using the Growing in God's Love curriculum and have an amazing team of volunteer teachers. If you're a parent / grandparent with questions about Sunday School please contact Nicole through the church office.
Nursery Care
For children ages 1-5, we offer babysitting during Sunday worship services, right after the children's moment (The God Box).
Office Hours
Church office hours:
Monday - Wednesday 9 am -2 pm
Building Manager: Ben Watczak
Ben is available Monday - Thursday
We are closed on Fridays, and federal holidays.
For weather-related building closure information see:
No matter who you love,
No matter your chosen pronoun,
No matter the color of your skin or your immigration status,
No matter the amount of money or education you have,
No matter your afflictions, affiliations or the mistakes that you've made,
You are welcome at Williston-Immanuel.

N.A. Candlelit Meeting
7:00 pm Saturdays

N.A. meets in Clark Hall (back of building--use Deering Place entrance)
Who are we?
Williston-Immanuel United Church is an inclusive Christian community that promotes faith, fellowship, social justice and love, compassionately reaching out to our broader community, celebrating our diversity, and affirming each individual's spiritual journey.
Acceptance without conditions, affirmation without discrimination – these are the goals of Williston-Immanuel United Church.
Read more from a 2011 Portland Press Herald story here.